About Crossing Wellness
“Programs created by Health Professionals for Health Professionals”
As a Nutritionist I have a passion for helping people be well. Over the last several years there have been many advancements in nutrition therapies. With supporting clinical trials and changes in health care it is a perfect time to support the medical community with the resources they need to meet the wellness demands of their patients.
We have a simplified method when integrating wellness based services into a Practice and the end results of patient satisfaction is complimentary to the traditional medical treatments they receive.
The goal of adding wellness services also helps the Practice bring in a cash based revenue stream. Statistics show that 70% of patients already use nutrition based products and services and would rather obtain them from their health professional.
Complimentary consulting is provided to insure optimal success when implementing all nutrition therapies within the Practice.
Areas of support include:
Gene SNP DNA Analysis
Custom website for product ordering